It works well? I have had a issue with my 3 girls keep getting it back due to my sister-in-law who has a child w/specail needs and she is just lazy I guess and never gets rid of it, but she always says that she does and he stupid school system has a "No Nit Policy" but they let her slide due to the fact that she is autistic, so besides the fact that we have gone to the school board and now to the local news to print a story about it so that we can get something done, they live next to us and our kids are around each other on the bus and even though I try to keep them apart, if the school keeps letting her ride the bus and go to school with it, then it is almost impossible to keep them from getting it, I am so fed up and out of options that I ordered $200.00 worth of Licenex online, it is suppose to be the best you can get, money back guarantee and that you do not even have to pull out all of the nits, so has anyone ever used it? Does it work that good?