
Has anyone ever used a lice product called Licenex? I need to know if...?

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It works well? I have had a issue with my 3 girls keep getting it back due to my sister-in-law who has a child w/specail needs and she is just lazy I guess and never gets rid of it, but she always says that she does and he stupid school system has a "No Nit Policy" but they let her slide due to the fact that she is autistic, so besides the fact that we have gone to the school board and now to the local news to print a story about it so that we can get something done, they live next to us and our kids are around each other on the bus and even though I try to keep them apart, if the school keeps letting her ride the bus and go to school with it, then it is almost impossible to keep them from getting it, I am so fed up and out of options that I ordered $200.00 worth of Licenex online, it is suppose to be the best you can get, money back guarantee and that you do not even have to pull out all of the nits, so has anyone ever used it? Does it work that good?




  1. i have never used it, but hopefully it works for you.

    the fact  that the school lets this child be improperly taken care of is ludicrous! if a child is not taken care of well it seems like the school would step in and speak to officials about taking the child out of its parents hands and turning it over to cps. but maybe you should use the product on the autistic one as well to help rid of this continuing problem

  2. omg report your sisterinlaw to the authorities that is neglect! do it for the child!  That is disgusting!

  3. I've never used it.  Lice is a big problem in the schools where my kids go.  The school nurse and health department both told me that Nix is the only brand lice hasn't grown immune to.  Good luck!  Unfortunately, I've been in your shoes (in a way).  My best friend's daughter kept getting it and she just couldn't get rid of it.  I think it had alot to do with her eyesight and not being able to see if she got it all out.  Eventually, I had to either keep my kids away from hers (which was impossible) or go treat her daughter myself.  I chose the latter and neither of us have had any problems since.

    Here's some tips I've found help:

    Use scotch tape to put the nits and lice on when combing through (It keeps them from getting away)  you can also press it at the roots of hair and it will pull nits off

    Between treatments, use olive oil on hair daily (it will smother live lice and it's not poison)  use baking soda to get it out of hair

    Either throw away or pack up stuffed animals and dolls ina sealed plastic bag for 2 or 3 weeks

  4. My daughter's daycare has had a TERRIBLE lice problem and she's gotten it multiple times this year.  (she's also in public school, but we pinpointed the daycare)  I have tried Rid and Nix, which weren't great.  I really came to feel squeamish about putting insecticide in her hair--there are few studies about the effects of repeat treatment.

    We discovered Lice Ice after getting the recommendation from a couple of different people and it's been a lifesaver.  It's organic, it's a thick gel that you coat the roots and hair with, leave on 8 hours and then wash.  We used it at night and she slept in it.  It smothers the lice and MIRACULOUSLY dissolves the "glue" that the nits are attached with, so they come out when you wash the hair.  You can't find it everywhere--usually in pharmacies that sell more natural products.

    The nice thing is that you can also use it preventatively.  You mix it 1:3 with water (or we put it in her detangler spray) and spray it on before school to keep lice from entering her scalp.  It's worked beautifully.

    You also have to be certain to wash the heck out of all her bedding, towels, etc.  Any stuffed animals she's slept with or played with, put in a large plastic bad and seal up for 2 weeks.  The lice can't live long off the human body and the nits hatch within 10 days.  The dryer should kill anything that's in fabric.

    Also, check with the school and see if there might be ways your kids are getting re-infected, too.  Do they have pillows in their reading center?  Hats and clothes in a dress-up center?  Are backpacks and coats all tossed together?  Those things are PERSISTENT!!

    Good luck--and sorry, I know it sucks.  I felt so humiliated the first couple of times, but then just got ticked off at the school.  Now that they have started hanging backpacks separately and not letting them pile jackets together, they've had no more problems

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