
Has anyone ever visited a psychic and exposed them as a fraud?

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Has anyone ever visited a psychic and exposed them as a fraud?




  1. Yes, at  the fair.

  2. No, I've never visited one.  My friends and I sometimes try to guess what will happen to each of us and read each other's minds.  (Which sometimes works)

  3. No, but i would like to go & see one for myself. I think there will be some good ones out there.

  4. no I never have, but the psychic hotline got busted big time on the t.v. a few years back.  they were shut down for fraud, taking peoples money via credit cards, they got in all kinda truoble, people were spending thousands of dollars, and those psycic idiots, were running their credit cards way up. think about it!!!!!!!

  5. James Randi has exposed several.  A couple of those on TV.  Problem is, whenever a fraud is exposed, it doesn't ever seem to attract anyone's attention.  People ignore it and move on to the next phony.  Jonathan Edward was exposed.  Sylvia Browne was exposed.  These things seem to have little effect on their careers, as people feel they are just being picked on and conspired against.  That's what happens when one is determined to believe in nonsense.

  6. I once went to a psychic convention but it was closed due to unforeseen circumstances

  7. No, why waist money to prove a point?

  8. I never have, but I'd love to hear about someone who has. That would be classic.

  9. i have no real proof...but in my opinion tjey are all frauds..they take your money and only give enough info so you keep coming back...hog slop...

  10. I don't know. Years ago ,one told me that I would be rich and famous and a powerful psychic for Jesus. I didn't care about the other part..I just wanted to serve Jesus. I lost everything material..probably became"infamous"..and I have no idea if I've ever served Jesus.Guess I'll have to wait to find out the answer to that one. So..I don't know. I just wish I'd never gone to her.She wouldn't charge me. She said "You're a Christian..I can't charge you" But I paid her anyway..because  I told her she had to have money to live too...and she had a daughter. She said she wasn't a spiritist..that she was a spiritualist. I'm not sure what the difference is still..even though I've gotten answers on here about it.

  11. If someone is taking your money for a reading, they probably are a fraud.  Real people with gifts would never do it for money, for if you use your gift for monetary gain it will be taken away.

    If I knew someone was a fraud, I definately would expose them, and the psychic hotline definately needed to go down ...

    James Randi's challenge is not a scientific challenge, and he is the sole judge so taking him up on the challenge would be stupid ... of course he is going to claim that person is a fraud so he can keep his money ... and his gravy train intact.

  12. No I haven't. While in one sense that would seem fun, I'd feel bad for embarrassing them.. Sure, psychics exploit hurting vulnerable people, but some psychics actually believe in their abilities, believe it or not.

  13. I did a reading once, for fun.  She fished for info from me and I gave her inaccurate information.  She then regurgitated that information in her "reading".  It was pretty comical how far off base she was.

  14. nope the only psychic I have ever seen in person was Sylvia Browne but I didn't have a reading w/ her though.

  15. If they are real why didn't they tell us 911 was going to happen.

  16. some girls from office went he said to one girl in the next month you will meet a handsome young  man. you will fall madly in love and live happy for ever  She got up looked him in the eye and your full of it  I am a L*****n. she walked out. and quit  the next day the staff was schocked some of the guys had the hots for her

  17. Yes, when her house burnt down the next day

  18. NO

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