
Has anyone ever woken up being choked by a "ghost" then hearing something say "This is me killing you?"

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A couple of my friends have woken up from a nightmare being chocked by nothing there, following them waking up they hear a invisible entity whisper in their ear "This is me killing you" I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else, I'm trying to find out what this thing is or could be. Thank you.




  1. Never

  2. No...that's creepy!

  3. This is rare, but it can happen.  Whether it is a ghost or some type of demon spirit. . . protection is necessary.  This is nothing to fool around with.

  4. Ive had something similar,when I lived at my old house 2 years ago,I use to feel like I was being smothered,and also like an electric shock going thro my body,I felt I was awake but I couldn't do nothing for couple or so minutes,then I was fully awake,it happened alot,and it did scare me to the point I was frightened to go to sleep.Since moving to this place I haven't had it,which is strange as it went on for at least few years in my other home,alot of bad things happened there too,two deaths dad and husband plus other things.I have heard it can be evil spirits attacking,and with it not happening in this house Im begining to think that it was something evil.Heard stories sim off other trustworthy people,pastors etc who wouldn't make stuff up,one missionary was some were abroad were there was witchcraft voodoo etc,he had that some un seen force hands round kneck trying to strangle him,etc.Yes it can happen as there are evil spirits from satan who love to scare people,and especially if one is close to God so ive been told.

  5. No. It seems like something out of a scary movie. Are you sure about this? If so I would probably be very creeped out, maybe you should ask a professional or something.

  6. never had that exact thing happen. but i did live in a house that some weird stuff was going on. way to long of a story put down here, quick notes weird smell and noises mom was pushed down the stairs, dog constantly barking at nothing, closets opening and shutting and we woke up one morning to blood down our walls. reflections of things that werent there, HUGE handprints on the walls and windows. the list goes on and on if want to know more feel free to email me i can tell you the whole story, made a believer out of me and my dad. we just thought my mom was nuts. good luck.

  7. I would say God is the only one who can protect you from things like that. That sounds like Satan trying to scare you and whether you believe in them or not it is real and it is scary. But with God nothing can harm you. I know that sounds weird and churchy, but I have experienced people dealing with things just like that and God is the only one who you can turn to for that. Sorry if this sounds weird. Hope it helps.

  8. No, thats very unusual. I'm not sure what it could be?

  9. Check out some articles on sleep paralysis. It almost sounds like you're having "the Nightmare."

  10. no

  11. Apenguin is right. But I think it's fair for me to ask if your friends are by any chance mental?

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