
Has anyone ever won anything here, at ?

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I found this website last night in a forum, it looks interesting, but I wanted to know has anyone ever heard ot it, or won anything from there?

It seems like a legit site, and also it appears to be easy win prizes, but I've always been very weary of websites claiming to give you free items, I figured I would ask first before attempting to win something.

There was a picture in their "Fan Store" that says "100% Free" and "No offers to complete". The 100% free thing is quite obvious what that means, but what does the "No offers to complete" mean? What does an offer have to do with free stuff?

This looks good to me, but I would sincerely apprciate anybody's input. I don't have too much experience trying to get free stuff on the internet, but now that I'm on disability from Multiple Sclerosis, it seems that "FREE" things are something I can't complain about anymore.

Thanks for your help. :)




  1. SciFi,

    Thanks for your personal account of the website.  It sounds pretty sweet, I've created an account and I'm going to give it a try.

    MS Guy,

    I've created an account on there, and I'm going to try it out.  I will send you an update soon.

  2. Actually, it's funny you should ask that, because I have been over there playing for the past month and a half, and just this past Wednesday, May 7, I won an iPod Shuffle 1GB Green.

    I would have loved to have gotten the Nintendo Wii, but there will be other days. :)

    But the site is legit, people have been getting their prizes and posting pictures of them with their package/prizes in the forum.

    I must admit, I was cautious at first, but my friend who got me signed up also won a prize, he got an Xbox 360, adn it did get delivered, I've seen it.

    I didn't have to do anything except create an Account at first, so if you are worried about giving too much info, anything other than your account name and password is not required to check it out and play a little bit.

    Well, if you do decide to begin playing and winning, I wish you the best of luck.  You'll have a fun time too.  :)

  3. I wouldn't trust it, call the BBB and see if they heard of it before you agree to do anything on that site. And NEVER send them money, that's your first clue it's a scam.

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