
Has anyone ever won the monthly showcases on KZST??

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Has anyone ever won the monthly showcases on KZST??




  1. Ha.  I had million points and bid on the best buy gift certificate, and I never won it.  I also bid on some money, we'll see if I win that.  I never bid of the showcases, just prizes so far.

    I HATE how winners are drawn "randomly".  I think the highest person that bids with the highest amount of points to an item should win it!  Kind of like ebay. Like someone will win the item if they have the highest amount of money.

  2. Yes, I volunteer for the Human Race every year.  So does KZST personality Brent Farris as he does the announcing.  Last year while I was near the KZST stage to get the bonus code I overheard a lady walk up to Brent Farris and hand him a thank you card.  She said it was because she had just won the monthly showcase.

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