
Has anyone ever won with readers digest? I recivied a 72 hour notice this morning and six numbers, What to do?

by  |  earlier

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Do I ignore the letter or send the numbers off?




  1. Congrats, but becareful. It could be a scam.

    The shortest way to riches is for you to work hard

  2. They have their ways of ripping people off. Please dont fall for it

  3. Thats funny i just rec'd this too! but it doesn't have numbers it say's wait for the big orange envelope in 72 hrs........

    To be honest my first thought is to bin it!! but then what ya got to loose if you send it? i dont know!.........

  4. You might as well bin it.

  5. Remember the old saying,you dont get anything for nothing,theres bound to be a catch somewhere.bin it !!!

  6. i get these every year unless you order anything then just bin it as its a waste of time i never order and never win .as you have a yes or no on the envelope once you send them back and they see the no they bin them even though you do not see it i had a friend who worked for them years ago and this is what she told me

  7. It took my mother over a decade for to stop them sending c**p.

    Burn it! Post haste!

  8. No. And I've been RIPPED OFF by these people twice! Once was a free prize draw. Just click here ... and here ... and here. Next thing I knew I had ordered a stupid computer book which they invoiced me for!!!

    I just cannot take a company that operates in such an underhanded way seriously!

  9. Bin it, it's a scam, they will ask you for money at some point.

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