
Has anyone ever worked/ is currently working aboard a cruise-ship? (In an admin role)?

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Hi Everyone!

New to this so please bear with... I'm currently in a steady admin job for a local newspaper, (office andministration and reception duties) I've been doing it for a little over a year and am very interested in embarking upon a craeer doing something similar aboard a cruiseship!

I've approached a few agencies and have been trawling the net for information but just wondered if anyone had any 'real life' experience of working on a ship in a reception/ purser/ admin role and any tips or advice about how to find vacancies.






  1. Hi, Francesca. I have. First as a purser with Carnival and later moving to the concessions that run the shops onboard as a Shop Manager.

    I would stay away from agencies. Even more so online agencies.

    I dealt directly with Carnival to get my job with them and the same with Harding Brothers and Starboard which are concessions for shops.

    Pursers job is easy and there is a certain status on board, but the hours and long and there's a lot of responsability with all the money in your posetion. At times I had 15 thousand $ as my "float". There's a lot of paperwork and off course you have to deal with loads of complaints.

    Provided you have a nice Chief Purser, the work is not difficult.

    Shops are an easier department because it's very difficult for the shops to open while the ship is docked. So you get free days. Also promotions come very easy. I was a sales rep for 2 months, became assistant for another 4 and was manager.

    You can check more info at:


    Hardings, in  my opinion, is a better company and it's easier to get in.

    Other than that, there's a very good site, they charge some fee but it's not much. They have tips on resumes and the correct emails you have to apply to.

    I don't own that site neither get any money from it, but it's really well done.

    If I were to do it again I would for sure, but honestly I'm not sure I'd waste time at reception.

    But hey, thats a personal opinion.

    Don't hesitate to ask more questions if you want.


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