
Has anyone every flown on united airlines?

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Im going on a trip and im taking united airines and i just wanted to know that if everyone gets their own telvisions right in front of them when they sit or is it always differnt?




  1. Every flight is different. For shorter trips you usually don't get the TV in the headrest treatment.

    Also, I've traveled UAL and felt nothing but contempt from them. Everything from their hidden fees to the late departures and arrivals, canelled flights, and getting bumped, all forced me to switch to Delta and Continental.

    I do a lot of flying and though Delta aint no charmer, they are actually much better organized than UAL. But in the end it'll cost you money.

    You could go with the cheaper air fare giants, but that means getting chintzy seating and service. Sort of like a free for all.

    Nowadays with fuel being so expensive, they are looking for ways to gouge extra nickels out of you every chance they get.


  2. It depends on how old the plane is. I flew on Lufthansa one time and there was only one screen and a separate time I flew, each person had their own. I don't think I've ever flown UA overseas though.

  3. It depends on the plane. Long international flights are more likely to have new video equipment, short domestic flights less likely.

    For specific details, look up your flight on United's web site to see what kind of plane it is, then flip over to Seatguru and look up the plane type to see what it offers. Or do what I do and bring along that book you've been meaning to read.

  4. Depends on where you are flying to and what plane you get.  The long haul flights might have the tvs.  I took united from buffalo to NYC a couple times and there were no tv's at all.  If you are taking an overseas flight they will definately have movies to watch, however it is not guarenteed that they will be right in front of your face.  It could just be one screen at the front of the plane and one halfway back that you have to watch on.  Check the website.  it usually says what type of plane you are on and then you can look up whether that has the tvs or not.

  5. Go to seatguru. It will tell you which type of plane, what  the seat type is, what class it is, if it's a good seat or not, and where the galleys and lav... are, and last but not least what type of TV you get.

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