
Has anyone experienced change of personality after bypass op?

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Has anyone experienced change of personality after bypass op?




  1. I had my 4x bypass op 16 years ago, at the age of 44. I wouldn't say my personality changed, as such, it is just that I became more aware of the precarious hold that I had on life, and was determined to make more of it and not waste time waiting for life to happen. So, there was modification in that my priorities changed drastically.

    However, I have heard of people developing new personalities after heart transplant.

  2. i think my sister changed but after any life threatening experience people change soldiers coming back from war are different to what they were when they went

  3. As many as 1 out of every 3 people who have a heart attack report feeling depressed. Women, people who have been depressed before, and people who feel alone and without social or emotional support are at a higher risk for feeling depressed after a heart attack.

  4. Every bypass patient is put on statin drugs. From Dr Graveline "Only recently have I learned of the mechanisms involved that point to statin drugs. Simply put the sequence is as follows. Emotional well-being is dependent upon normal neuropeptide synthesis. Neuropeptide synthesis requires ample stores of dolichols (which orchestrate this entire process.) All statin drugs inhibit dolichols as part of their inevitable effect on the mevalonate pathway. Hence, emotional and behavioral disorders are not chance occurrences with statins, they are to be expected. Anyone with access to a simple biochemistry text can check this out for themselves"

    Pharmacist who's life was almost ruined by Lipitor

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