
Has anyone experienced floating lights in the peripherals of their eyes?

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from time to time, a light will float from 3 oclock to 6 oclock in my right eye, or from 12 to 3. less often the same things happen in my right eye from 12 to 9 and 9 to 6. Also, i sometimes see hundreds of tiny dots floating around in bright spaces. has anyone else had similar experiences? am i crazy?




  1. u should see your doctor u may have health problems u dont know about

  2. Why take a chance?  Get it checked out.  It's likely your doctor will know exactly what it is or at least how to find out what it is or may be.

  3. See an Ophthalmologist ASAP.You have symptoms of serious eye problems. I've been there and almost went blind in one eye.

  4. yes all the time

  5. This is probably floaters and are common in the eyes.

    The tiny flashing usually takes place when people are tired and yawning so probably decreased oxygen.

    You have not provided enough information for anyone to diagnose a mental disorder and only a judge can determine insanity (it's a legal not a mental health concept).

    What you have described above sounds like a common medical (eye) condition and I highly suggest seeing your doctor or an ophthalmologist.

  6. i used to get the same thing when i was younger.try taking more vitamins.its sometimes caused by lack of more veg and fruit.

  7. The little dots, like fireflies right? Ive seen that. Low blood preassure due to thyroxin deficiency. Get some bloodwork done.... if its too low, just a little pill in the morning.

  8. It sounds like an aura that comes on before a migraine.  I get them too with the tiny flashing lights and the loss of my peripheral vision.  I then know it's time to take a Tylenol.  You should see your doctor.

  9. yeah, add sound effects next time lol

  10. well i have been told that seeing lots of little dots means that you have low iron!  this is also common to see if you have dont alot of drugs like chocaine!

    i would see a dr and get your iron level checked

  11. you might want to talk to a doctor about this. From your description I would say this is definitly a medical problem. I am not a doctor, but this could be diabetes, or cataracts or something.

  12. i've had floaters for years now. they're tiny grayish dots that just float around wherever you look. i assume you're talking about those. they're not really a cause for concern, so my eye doctor says. however he told me if you do start seeing flashes of light that is something to get checked out. it could be serious in the future. just don't let it get worse..see your eye doctor.

  13. If it's what I have it's called "floaters" and it's not harmful.  Just check with your dr.

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