
Has anyone experienced something like this?

by Guest64271  |  earlier

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Last night when I was asleep, I was about to wake up. I am a light sleeper. I felt this presence or energy over my body and just when I was about to open my eyes, something hit me very hard in my neck and I still felt it after I opened my eyes. I am not a ghost fanatic but I am open minded. I don't know what it was. I've had other experiences too but this one really scared me. Anyone had anything like this happen to you before? Thanks.




  1. It's probably an very bad case of poltergeist , a poltergeist is a some how a so called 'spirit' or a roaming wind tunnel from your house, I've experienced this once, don't be alarmed poltergeist is just a noisy essence in your house, it's not harmful either.

  2. No, maybe you had neck pain or something. Unless... you heard a slapping sound. Now that's... AHHHH!!!!!

  3. Is there a head board or any other things behind your bed you may have bumped your head on during sleep?

  4. It sounds kinda like what I have heard people describe when they are returning to their body after astral travel.

    From what I've heard, from Sylvia Browne and the like, most people are unaware when they do travel astrally.

    Upon return to the body, they often see or feel a presence above them.

    This is supposed to be the soul returning to the body.

    The reason you can't move is because it's during one of the dream states where your body semi-paralyzes you to prevent you from hurting yourself while you dream.

    If it bothers you, pray before you sleep that your deity watch over you and keep you safe.

    I don't know about the neck thing unless it was a particularly violent return to your body or something else was going on.

  5. it's you being between awake &asleep .still dreaming i think.

  6. You house is haunted or cursed.

  7. nope... im a DEEP DEEP sleeper...... and wen atl had that really small earthquake  i didnt feel a thing!!!  

  8. Yes I have experienced something similar to you. I think it was a demonic spirit. As such I suggest that you pray before going to bed asking Jesus Christ to protect you from all harm and danger. If the same thing happen to you again you need to command that demon to leave you and your house alone completely in the name of Jesus Christ. If you are unable to speak, in your mind (thoughts) command that demon to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. Take care!!!

  9. Yes, and let me say, what I did to make the evil demon to leave me be is I used my mystical dragon powers to capture it in a light sphere. Then, I pulled out my zombie sword and beat it until the Aliens came down and tucked me back in my bed.

  10. Well i felt like something is there the presence as you put it

    over my body....this was a long time ago.  And the feeling came

    and went.  Like you , if felt i was so close to waking or on the

    verge.   I cannot tell you what it was , because i don't know myself.

    Only if i ever have had bad experiences (know it sounds corny) but

    i simply have prayed them away.

    As for the hitting hard on the neck , that is not on, i would thoroughly

    investigate this , before  i put it down to something specific. For

    instance i don't know you, so do you have family or friends  (older

    or younger siblings ) who would play tricks on you ?

    Or worst you think you may have mice or rats ?!

    Okay , if these things are dispelled.....then i would sleep with a

    light and i would ..... pray for this to go.   What may work also is

    whilst going to bed imagine you whacking this thing back and giving

    it a good smack with your elbow.

  11. Sounds like the work of a poltergeist. and yes once, it wasn't pleasant.  

  12. Its either sleep peralisis or a succubus you can wikapedia the demon I just mentioned. I have had a succubus hold me down and when I tried to swear at it, it closed my mouth shut.

  13. what

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