
Has anyone experienced this?

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I have often heard that babies or small kids will not eat solids as nature's way of protecting them from possible allergies until they can tolerate solids.

My daughter will ONLY eat stage 1 and 2 (Gerber) baby foods and the occasional cheerio. She is one yr old. She has an incredibly strong gag reflex. Any advice what to offer as far as foods go and what to try to get her on to solids?





  1. Try buying the foods she likes in the fresh for (like squash).  Cook it up & mash it really well and feed that to her.  Disguise it in the container if you feel it would help out.  

    My daughter will be 12 months next week and we are working on getting her to eat more solid foods as well.  It's a give & take/trial & error situation.

    As for food allergies, you have to try different foods 2-3 days in a row to see if an allergy kicks in.  If she would have an allergy, more than likely it would show up immediately. Check w/ her pediatrician for futher advice regarding food allergies & such.

    Good luck!

  2. What did the pediatrician say?  I would ask the doctor first.

  3. I delt with this with my twins who also have terrible gag reflexes. Recently at the dentist they needed an impression done for braces (they are 13 now) and they both gagged so bad they puked right there in the chair, it was awful!

    When they were that age and transitioning to more solids I found that they had the most trouble with things that were a mix of both. For example some of the stage 3 stuff has thin mooshy consistency with chunks of food in it. My kids had a hard time with that. My doctor suggested we skip the stage three and just offer all table foods aside from the fruit. So we did. We shredded meat up real small, make mashed potatoes (with NO lumps LOL), mashed most veggies or cooked them soft. By age one my twins were on all table foods aside from fruit whcih we still did the baby fruit mosty except bananas and really soft fruit. When we offered regular table food my kids ate it fine. It was only when it was a solid mixed with the runnier stuff that gave them a problem so you may want to try that.

    If she does well with the cheerios that is a good sign that my suggestion will work because my kids were always fine with cheerios and those baby cookies and stuff like that.

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