
Has anyone experiened serendipity?

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I wrote a novel about a person I hardly knew and then he poped up in my life after about 5 or more years and he acted , how can I put it, like he was in love with me or something, and then I kept seeing him all the time, at random. well at last I asked him to meet and talk and he set a date which was on my birthday! the meeting was a shocking experience because a. all the things I had guessed about him where dead right and b. he was so 'focused' on me that I was afraid of being raped or something. anyway, after the book was published I had a 2 page review in a newspaper and then I saw him again the very next morning. do we have a psychic bond or something? he freaks me out. something weird is happening.




  1. "Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you've found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for." Lawrence Block


    "--- you don't reach Serendib by plotting a course for it. You have to set out in good faith for elsewhere and lose your bearings ... serendipitously." John Barth, The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor


    William Boyd coined the term zemblanity to mean somewhat the opposite of serendipity: "making unhappy, unlucky and expected discoveries occurring by design".[


    Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are causally inexplicable to the person or persons experiencing them. The events would also have to suggest some underlying pattern in order to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as originally developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.


  2. Things happen for a reason. I live by that alone. If you think that things are "happening" by coincidence ... think again ... Everything happens for a reason! Read the book by James Redfield called The Celestine Prophecy. The original book was published around 10 years ago. The book is fiction, but it holds so much truth of these things that happen for a reason!  However you will learn of these "happenings" to be of meaning. Stop thinking they are weird or something. Wake up and get in tune with the awareness.  

    However on the negative side, he could be stalking you. Call him out and if he acts odd is so then ask him to leave you be for a while. Telling him that trust is a serious issue if anything were to happen between you two! Just ask him to be understanding to begin with!

  3. Sounds like you have a stalker... or it's fate...

    have fun with it... some people don't have anything interesting happen to them... they end up with cats...

    still... get a background check...

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