
Has anyone found a way of really controlling their childs ADHD?

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My 11 yr old boy has ADHD. He's not meds cause when he was on Adderall he quit eating and lost almost 15 pounds and got really lethargic. But now he's back to not concentrating, talking in school, and refuses to listen to his teachers. He's got a major self esteem problem too but don't know if it plays into his adhd or not. Just fustrating to try to help him and he doesn't seem to listen or if he does he gets mad and starts calling himself stupid, dumb. Don't know what to do! Any suggestions? Thanks.




  1. Jim Phelps had ADHD. He cured it with swimming. His book will be out soon. It can help to eat organic foods since pesticides make it worse.

  2. Sounds like my childhood... =/

    I have ADHD and I remember as a child the thing I wanted more than ANYTHING was attention!

    Attention from my teachers...

    Attention from my parents...

    Attention from my classmates...

    Attention from STRANGERS!!!

    I didn't care how or what I had to do to get it, I just knew I WANTED to be praised and to be told that I was "a good kid" =/


    My mother never put me on medication and I thank her for that. I've been to my fair share of counselors growing up  and ,although nice, none of them helped. Fortunately, I got to a place in my life where I could understand, recognize, and start to control and coop with my outbursts.

    I wish the best to you and your 15 year old. ^_^

    I'm now 21 and I still struggle with this every now and then.

  3. Finding the right medication for ADHD is a long and complicated proccess.  But it is very worthwhile.  It would be extremely rare to find the right medication and the right dose on the first try.  The symptoms that you describe are often seen when the dose is too high.  Try using the same medication but reducing the dose.  Often a smaller dose will even be more affective.

    There are many, many medications out there for ADHD and it is worthwhile to try more than one, if your first go is unsuccessful.  Try different meds and different doses until you come up with the right combination.  I have ADHD aswell and it took me several years to find the right meds and the right dose, I tried over 15 different medications or medication combinations over 2 years.  

    The search was well worth it, as now I have my medication worked out and am able to live a successful life as a result.  You can't put a price on what this can offer you.  ADHD is not just something that your son will suffer now, he will carry it through his entire life and finding the right solution will give him a chance to have success in many area's.  Like jobs, family, social life and so on.

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