
Has anyone found an effective investment newsletter?

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I have signed up for countless newsletters on investing, (everthing from commodites to penny stocks. Has anyone found a newsletter or investing that actually delivers what it promises?




  1. There are many good investment newsletters. Two I know personally and would recommend rae featured on my website

    One is City Confidential written by Simon Flather and Sharewatch edited by Smitt Berry. Oh and there is another good one Techinvest (Tech stocks surprisingly) There are some extracts of City Confidential on the website or I could get you the latest copy for trial. Magazines: Investors Chronicle, obviously, Shares Magazine, also good. AIM Bulletin. Let me know` exactly what you are looking for and I will try and help.

  2. Read Hulbart on Market Watch, its free and he tells you often what newsletters say collectively. Good record

  3. I like

  4. I have tried many newsletters before with mixed results. To me, the problem of relying on newsletters is that, they don't provide critical details such as valuations. Many newsletters are trying to pitch you the "next" Google, Wal-mart, Apple or Research in Motion. However, they don't tell you how they come up with their price target in the future. I doubt that most writers have actually looked into details like corporate governance, employee stock options, pension liability, etc.

    I have also tried tools that screen stocks based on technical indicators and fundamental data. One tool that I once liked is VectorVest. My success was very limited too.

    Then I relied more on research reports and research tools like Bloomberg Terminal. The results have been improved a lot.

    Personally, I believe in thorough independent research. The only way to be ahead of analyst is to be an analyst yourself. However, not everyone has the time and tools. If I have to recommend one, you may want to try It is more research-oriented.

    If you want to join others in fundamental research, try it at

  5. I've been down that same road.  My conclusion:  Most free newsletters have one real goal.  To get you to sign up for the paid newsletter.   I said "most" because their might be one that delivers and I haven't seen it.

    In my opinion you are better off to focus on learning to do your own research.  Study the stocks you are interested in and keep up with market and business and economic news.

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