
Has anyone found homeopathic/natural remedies that work for RA?

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Recently diagnosed. I have it in feet/ankles, wrists/hands.




  1. Homeopathic "remedies" don't actually work for anything, as they are nothing more than an expensive placebo, with a lot of mumbo-jumbo thrown in.  (All AltMed works better with some voodoo or pseudoscientific language added )

    You may well get a slight temporary relief from activation of your body's own placebo response, but no better than you will get with standard treatments.  There is no intrinsic harm in long as you don't actually have a serious illness and are taking proven treatments.

    In terms of natural treatments...herbs etc, nothing has really been to shown effective with the exception of gamma-linoleic acid.  Here is a link to the Cochrane Database...a very well respected database which collects studies on everything and does systematic reviews. I think Andrew Weil recommends this as well.

    EDIT: Be skeptical of alternative "healers" who claim to have healed themselves of an illness....they probably never had it in the first place.

  2. While I don't have it, I know a naturopathic doctor who healed himself of it, using all natural remedies.

    I have nearly healed myself of chronic fatigue by using natural methods.  For me it included a dramatic diet change (Clean Diet, Body Ecology, Weston A Price), chi gung, and changing my thoughts and emotions.  I believe the thought/emotional component is essential to heal any dis-ease state.

    I think the work I've done and continue to do around changing my thoughts and emotions may be the most important of the three.  I recommend the work of Abraham, Eckhart Tolle (see him on, listen to CDs or read his books) and doing EFT to uncover and release the emotional causes of dis-ease.  

    A free EFT  manual and lots of great help is on the emofree website.  You can also work with a practitioner in EFT - they are everywhere, and you can even do phone work.  

    Lots of references below.

    Best of Luck.

  3. Below is an article with the homeopathic remedies that may help with RA.

  4. Mercury free fish oil. Good for your heart/moods.  If you have severe heart problems, then you cant take it.  Also, its a blood thinner and will cause more thinning if you are on asiprin.  Check with your doctor how it will work with your current meds.  I take it and it helps with achiness.

    Heres a link;

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