
Has anyone found that nintendo wii fit has helped them lose weight? What about wii sports?

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Has anyone found that nintendo wii fit has helped them lose weight? What about wii sports?




  1. Here are some great blog articles on the "does wii fit work" topic:

  2. Wii sports does not, it maybe works out your arms because my arms get tired, but the wii fit does make you lose weight. It weighs you and tells you what your BMI is and everything and then it has activities/games and it seriously is a workout! If you play the game correctly, it's fun, but you can get out of breath fast! It also has yoga and stuff you can do. It's awesome.  

  3. Ok so theres three differnt sections i bought it personaly about three months ago and i have lost over 8 pounds i would reccommend it but trust me its not as easy as u would think i that helps

  4. ive been using the wiifit for 8 days now and have lost 5 pounds! im sure some of this is water weight. im also eating healthier and using other methods for working out like DDR. its only as effective as you want to make it but it does have fun activites and best of all its a great motivation tool. it charts your weight and bmi and illustrates it in a graph and you cant erase a bad weigh in so it motivates you to keep up the exercise. the aerobic exercises could be longer and more intensive but im excited about new workout games that are in development that will solve that issue. i would recommend it, it gets me off my butt and moving.

  5. Wii Fit has helped me to lose almost 5 pounds.  It keeps motivation levels up.  Anyone who tells you wii sports won't help you lose weight, has probably not spent too much time doing the boxing game.  It will kick your butt.

  6. Wii fit has helped some of my friends lose weight, one of them 7kg in about 4 months!

    Wii Sports has helped my arm muscles and i have got stronger!

    Personally i don't know about losing weight, I had to put 2kg on to get in ideal!

  7. ive heard it does, but i personally dont see how it would...

  8. wii fit more than wii sports, but if you really want to lose weight just go outside or go to a gym much better results

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