
Has anyone gave birth extremely Early? or know anyone that did?

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If so how many weeks was you / they? did everything turn out ok?




  1. my first baby was 7months old,when i gave birth to him,now he is 4years old he is  totally healthy,and very active mind and  behavior,he spent 1month 2weeks inside the incubator,my second baby was 8months old when gave birth,also ok now she is 3 years old,and very healthy,she also spent 2 weeks inside the incubator.

  2. I've heard that most babies can survive at 24 wks, depending on the NICU at the hospital and what level it is. If your hospital doesn't have a NICU then hopefully they can stabilize baby and send it to a better hospital.

  3. My nephew was born a month early and my cousins baby was born 6 weeks early. Both are fine. My cousin's had to stay in the hospital a little while longer. He is just smaller than other babies his age. He was born in December. My nephew was born in 2004 and the only "problems" I can think of that he had was he developed skills a little slower, like he couldnt walk until almost a year and a half and he was smaller to beginn with too. He is 4 now and he is just fine.

  4. My brother was born premature, but he ended up growing to 6ft 1 and healthy.

  5. I had a friend deliver early at 33 weeks because of preeclampsia.  Her baby girl was almost 5 lbs and is now a very healthy little girl.  She was in NICU for 2-3 weeks.  March of Dimes helps premature babies a lot, the survival rate of babies born early rise each year.  

  6. I had 2 of my 4 children at 33 weeks, (my 1st and my 3rd child) they were both fine, my 1st child is now 16 and very tall and my husband always reminds me how i used to worry he would grow to be a small man! My daughter is 6 and has never been small! They have had a few health problems but on the whole everything is okay!  I have lots of mates who have had babies from 25weeks to 35 weeks pregnancy!  I knew someone who had a baby 16 yrs ago at 24 weeks and unfortunately he was blind due to prematurity! But all the others i know are fine!  

  7. I know of several born early.  The earliest that I know of are a set of triplets born at 25 weeks 0 days.  They are now 8 years old.  The boy has mild ADHD and just started taking a low dose of something last year.  They did spend 6 months in the hospital at birth, all contracted RSV and did have breathing issues the first few years of life.  1 girl had a trach for a bit, talks fine now, she also had heart surgery.  By kindergarten nobody had any delays or problems.  They were each born at 1 lb. and did receive services for delays till ages 4-5.

  8. my daughter was born just under 32 weeks. she was about 8 & 1/2 weeks early just over 2 months from her due date. she was 4 lbs & 8oz which was good sized for a preemie that early. she stayed in the hospital for about 9 days after birth because she would not suck at first but after a few days she was ok with that. the other issue was she could not hold a normal temp after about a week she could do that as well. now i have heard that as long as you are at least 25 weeks the baby has almost a 100% chance but you never really know.

  9. Well my friend give birth by C-section on her first but the baby didint survive its was at 26 weeks and then she had another at 28 weeks she survived then another at full term hope that helps

  10. I have had many children born prematurely. 3 did not make it, my shining star is my almost 30 year old son. He was born at 26 weeks and breech. Had his brother not been born breech the year before he would have died. My sons were both born with Class 4 bleeds on the brain. He has had problems with learning etc but he is healthy.

    Since I have had my children they have made remarkable advances in the NIC units. I would not have traded any of my children for any of the others. Yes it is hard to have a preemie but I found you treat them no different than a full term baby and they will live up to that. Children are extremely resilient.  

  11. Not extremely early but My friend was induced because of preclampsia when she was 35 weeks 1 day and her daughter is fine. She was born at 5lbs and stayed in the hospital a week but is fine now. She did receive shots of steroids prior to develop the baby's lungs though

  12. well, my nephew was born 3 months early. he turned out fine...all he has now is he is small, has had some breathing troubles when younger, and been recently diagnosed with ADHD....but that could be from either the fact his dad has a bad case of it or his mom drank a lot while pregnant.  

  13. 24 weeks is the earliest a baby can survive in the NICU.  But does not guarantee life.  they will have problems but usually come out fine.   Its like a 40% chance.  And every week a baby can stay in the womb the chances go up.  Most every baby born after 30 weeks will survive.  With proper care.  And babies born after 35 weeks the survival rate is 98%.  

  14. My boyfriend was born at 31 weeks. He was poorly for 3/4 months in hospital but got better and gained weight brilliantly. By the time he was 12 months he had caught up with his 2 year old brother. And as for now he's huge and plays rugby!  

  15. My brother was born at 32 weeks. He has always been small, and even now as an adult he is small. We were never sure if it was because he was a preemie or just genetics. He did have health issues and require surgery as a newborn, but he survived!  

  16. My friend had her son at 24 weeks, he lived for 2 and a half months and then sadly died after getting an infection, it was awful, she'd been in the hospital with him all day every day for all of that time and he was making real progress.

  17. 34 years ago my cousin gave birth in germany at only 6 months pregnant.her little girl weight 1 and a half pound but she pulled through and is now married with children of her own.

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