
Has anyone given a reason why weather so bad on TV?

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I haven't seen a lot of television lately due to work, i was wondering if anyone has given the reasons why the weather is so bad in the UK this summer.




  1. I suggest that you contact the Meteorological (Met) Office & they should be able to give you an answer ! The Met Office is part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) !

  2. A lot depends on where in the UK you are.  I am just to the south of the Highlands in Scotland and we have had a pretty good summer this year.  Last year was terrible.  

    Our weather is governed by the Gulf stream (warm water and air that comes from The Gulf of Mexico).  It is the reason the UK has milder weather than other countries that are on the same latitude as us. The more of this warm air that arrives up here the more there is to react with the cold air coming from the arctic.   This causes a lot of volatile weather system to form all around the UK.

  3. Because that's what the writers of the plot's want.

  4. The reason could be pointed to the exiting of La Nina, a cooling of the oceans. The weather in the U K is not the only place having bad weather, the weather across the entire world is just as bad, right now in the Atlantic alone there are three tropical disturbances, two of them named storms Hanna, and Ike.

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