
Has anyone gone for their g license in toronto and is it hard or easy please explain?

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Has anyone gone for their g license in toronto and is it hard or easy please explain?




  1. Yes i did, the hardest thing for me was, that i was way to nervous. I went to  a driving school, and had in car lessons. On the driving test they make you do 3 point turns, and parallel parking, but even if you don't get them right don't worry, just stay relaxed, and make sure you never speed, but don't go to slow either, always use the turn signals. and make sure you take the test in a car that you are familiar with, so you don't over step the brake or gas pedals. Its easy but there is graduated licensing now, and the first step only requires a written/ computer test, and all the information can be found in the drivers hand book.

    Good Luck and try not to get to nervous.

  2. whats a g license?

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