
Has anyone gone to Argentina to do in vitro fertilzation? I see it is much cheaper then the US...?

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Has anyone gone to Argentina to do in vitro fertilzation? I see it is much cheaper then the US...?




  1. Anything related to medicine will be cheaper in Argentina, much more than the same thing would cost in the US. One reason is that they have a public medical system which forces private medicine to lower their prices. Doctors, and lawyers that milk the medical system are not as prevalent as in the US and doctors in Argentina are as good as in the US.

    In addition there was a huge devaluation of the local currency years ago (3 to 1) which means that in dollars everything is cheaper, from medications to doctor bills, lodging and food.

    There is a lot of people going to Argentina to receive medical, cosmetic or dental treatment, way cheaper than the rip off prices in the U.S.

    I would seriously consider the option of going to Argentina for treatment, many people do and it is a trend that is growing.

    I have not done any serious treatment in Argentina (I did not need it) but some people in my family has gone for dental treatment, orthopedics and to buy glasses.

    Good luck!

  2. yes because in argentina if the doctors mess up you can't sue them, and you die. In the us its more expensive because of STRICT medial guidelines

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