
Has anyone got Jensen Ackles phone number or e-mail address ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know if he has got a phone number or an e-mail because i want to ask him one question....

If anyone has got his phone number or e-mail please can you give it to me?





  1. dear jensen ackles i am a big fan i like you and i am 21 year old i live in ansonia ct from meghan klapcik

  2. Guest12319357 is not right as it seems, got another one here from real source and I got: (972) 690-0017
    Don't know if it's real or not, np, just try it! ^^
    And as it seems you'll never ever find Jensen's real e-mail adress, there are too many (faked too)!! ^^

  3. 323-473-6592

  4. hey i want it  as  well  u know and i love jensen  ackles

  5. can I write him a letter with that address ??
    cause I live in Indonesian and I am one of Jensen fans too ..

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