
Has anyone got a cat and some one in your family is allergic??

by  |  earlier

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if so has the allergy got better ? and how long does it take to do so




  1. Yes, I have a six year old cat and my little sister is allergic to cat hair. and yes, my cat does have fur. but the more my sister is around my cat the less she gets affected by her (my cat). well, it sort of depends on how old the person who is allergic is, because my sister is only 5 so she grew up with my cat, which is why she doesn't get rashes or hives when she's around her anymore. But i did notice that when she gets around other cats that she hasn't been around for a while and they shed or whatever it is called she does get rashes and stuff. and so yes, the allergy got better but if someone in your family does have allergies to cats try and start exposing them to cats as early as possible.

    i kno i'm not a cat expert or anything, but i hope this helps. :)

  2. allergies will not get better without medical treatment.  You can get needles from your doctor, but it is a very long course, by memory approximately 2 years with injections starting monthly.  Although it does work with most people, I don't think it is guaranteed to work.  My niece had treatment as she is training to be a vet and it has worked for her

  3. when i was younger we got a cat

    it turned out my dad was allergic

    we kept the cat for about 4 years until my dad couldn't put up with the allergy any longer (which wasn't serious at first and gradually got worse)

    we had to give the cat away which was one of hardest things to do

    i guess medication could help with it

    im not sure what my dad used though

  4. I don't have a cat, but my aunt does. And SHE is alergic! She keeps the cat outside and washes her hands after petting it. It never bothers her. Just keep you cat outside if you family member lives with you. If they just visit, put the cat outside when they are at your house. It won't run away as long as it has food and water outside.

  5. Depending on the severity of the allergy it may be controlled by medication, but the allergy will never go away permanently.

    My sister takes medicine before coming to my house, but after approx. 6 hours her allergy medicine is not effective and  her allergies are back.

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