
Has anyone got a good idea for a 7 yr old girls birthday party? im based in the east midlands area. thanks?

by  |  earlier

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recommendations for theme parks etc are a good option also. thanks again




  1. a princess party is a good idea.  not sure if this pone is near you but its just an example of can google it and see if one is close to you.  they do all the work so you dont have too...perfect!!!


    hope these help

  3. sleepovers =] those are the bombb xD

  4. Fairy party? All the little girls dress up as fairies, the cake has edible glitter on it etc.

    For the room just get a few packs of fairy lights - they don't cost much and look really effective.

    Get a bunch of craft stuff and a packet of chop sticks and get them to make their own wands - best one gets a prize.

  5. The most fun mine had when little (and the easiest on me) was to have a party at the sports centre (my kids are not particularly sporty), but we had a big hall with Bouncy castle - scooters - space hoppers and a game with a parachute, which they all had to run under. The helpers kept them totally entertained, they all ran around laughing and then we were called into another room for a party tea. All I had to provide was the pass the parcel and a birthday cake and a list of contact numbers for parents.

    If you want a theme park try Gullivers land - it is aimed more for the under 10's and they have one in Milton Keynes.

  6. Is there a Build-a-Bear store at your local mall?  She's the perfect age for that.  You can buy a $10 bear for each girl, which includes their choice from MANY tee-shirts for it (and a choice of several bears);  and they fill their own stuffed bears...  Then have pizza and cake outside the store, at a table near the food court (if there is one), or at a local park.....

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