
Has anyone got a loved one serving a prison sentence?

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and how do you feel about it? how do you cope? my father is serving 15 years. its hard and upsetting and i dont know how i can spur him on to survive.




  1. Yes I have an x boyfriend in prison and it hurts me,I try to cope by thinking he will sort himself out when he is set free and that he leads a good and normal life.I am in two minds whether to write to him because of trust issues although I do think the world of him.

  2. It's not all bad, free bed, board and s*x whenever he wants it.

  3. i think MissK sums it up very well,

    always visit him and write letters (believe me) both will mean the world to him,

    prison is a awful place but it's whats on the outside world that gets people through!

  4. if he knows you all still love and care about him.

    Don't stop visiting and write to him- stuff like that i guess

  5. you are the reason he will survive

  6. I have recently served a prison sentence. The thing that keeps you going in there is the support of your family and friends on the out. Believe me, receiving something as simple as a letter is the best thing in there. Just write to him regularly and let him know you love him and will support him, that will mean the world to him. Will you be going to visit? Visits are not easy things to cope with. The hardest thing is having to walk away and leave them in there. My advice for you if you do visit is, no matter how hard you may find it, please try not to get too upset and cry when its time to leave because that is so hard for the prisoner to cope with when they return to their cell.

    I am sure your dad will be fine. Prison is nothing like what you imagine or see on the telly. All prisoners are in the same boat and give each other support when feeling down.

    I have been on both sides of the fence. My husband did a prison sentence 10 years ago and I found it hard to cope. Even though I have just been in jail myself I still think it is harder for those on the out then it is those in prison.

    I am really sorry to hear what you are going through but stay strong and both you and your dad will get through this.

    If you need to talk, you are welcome to email me.

    Tracey x*x

  7. Stay with him, always let him know you are there, love him, support him and let him know you believe in him. Always do as much as you can to stay in his life, letters, visits etc.. I wish you both lots of luck and support. Stay strong both of you.

  8. No!

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