
Has anyone got a really good excuse for having the day off work?

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Has anyone got a really good excuse for having the day off work?




  1. yes i think Diarrhoea is always a good one as people dont want to question that and for you too even say they really think your telling the truth.............try it

  2. You've got Diarhoea and you dont think it would be wise to spread it around at

  3. Hey easy Tiger!  so you girl is gonna get pregnant and you want to be there huh??? wow!! that's really nice of you but i don't know if i can handle seeing my girl getting in-pregnant by i assume some other guy. but that's you!

  4. Your son/daughter/neice/nephew is ill and you have to look after them.  Use the kids - it never fails!

  5. Yeah, my girlfriend is gonna get pregnant and I want to be there when it happens!

  6. You seem to have good answers but what ever you decide, don't feel guilty because whether your the most devoted employee or the laziest waster of the bunch, you won't be thought of any more.......Enjoy your day off, we work too much anyway.......

  7. tell them u were an innocently naive and was forced to stay awake too late on yahoo answers.... I'm thinking the same! lol

    if u have a male boss tell him you had 'womens problems' he MIGHt be too embarrassed to enquire further

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