
Has anyone got an original "free frame of reference"?

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Or a picture of one? Here's a link to give you a general idea:

These wooden frames were created in San Francisco in the late 1960s by the "Diggers", a group of artists and radicals, including the actor Peter Coyote.

The original "free frame of reference" was a twelve-foot-square free-standing frame painted yellow, through which people were invited to pass.

There were also miniature frames about 2 in X 2 in, which could be worn around the neck. The idea was to get people to think differently about society and politics by giving them a new [metaphorical] frame of reference.

To enlighten you further, here's a link to Coyote's online 'partial history' of the Diggers' activities:




  1. Kindly look at the following links for the Free frames of Reference :

    Digger Articles 3The Diggers passed out about 75 smaller Frames of Reference, made of yellow-painted lath about 6 inches square that hung from a neck strap, through which ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

    SF Diggers (1966-68, beyond)History of the San Francisco Diggers (1966-1968 and beyond) with Archive of ... The Free Frame of Reference Forum that has been operating for the past year ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

    More results from »

    Diggers (theater) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[1] During the mid and late 1960s, the San Francisco Diggers opened stores ... frame to hang about their necks, called the portable Free Frame of Reference. ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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