
Has anyone got any advice as to how I can become more confident speaking to people?

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I just still cant seem to be 'open' like others can. I've always been such a 'thinker' but I want to be more of a 'talker'. I've always been so quiet and slow when it comes to 'wit'. I NEED to become more chatty and confident and stop being scared of everyone! Any advice would be much appreciated.




  1. im with you. im more of a listener too. but dont worry, when youre not a chatty person it doesnt mean that you do not have any advantage for being a "thinker".

  2. well just let urself out and pretend ur talking 2 ur mom threw the phone but instead u are talking 2 an aduice in a croud with a microphone close ur eyes count 2 3 open there is ur mom or someone else and u are telling them what u have 2 say and then give a smile and no more nervous thing will happen soon ull get used 2 this and then u can just talk

  3. look eye, always look eye

    pat morita, the karate kid

  4. Karen had some good advice, also, you may want to take a class in communications at a community college.  Public speaking is a needed skill in all business, and is a requirement in most degree may as well get some credit for it, and most companies offer tuition reimbursement...a no lose deal.

  5. Just stop giving a **** about how you impress them and it will come naturally.

  6. confidence and and a smile. believe me it works.

  7. certain substances are ideal for making you more socialable, alcohol being the most well known, not to be abused though of course

  8. Join a Toastmasters group in your city. This is in an inexpensive way to learn public speaking, and get to

    know some good people also.

  9. One thing is to talk to others. Another to an audience, which can be really scary.

    The old addage "practice, practice, practice", should work, particularly if you take drama lessons.

    Also, trying to find the humor in all conversations should encourage you to speak more freely.


  10. I know this is weird but you could talk to your self in the mirror then talk to your close friends ! good luck

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