
Has anyone got any beauty tips??

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I'm starting six form soon and I want to look my best! Got any beauty tips?




  1. You can find great tips for this at:

  2. get some new face wash and lotion to keep your skin clear, then get some concealer, and some mascara. i dont kno wat six form is but im guessing its sixth grade. haha since your young you dont need much make up. some lip gloss and mascara is just fine. maybe some pink eye shadow. and for your hair if its curly put gel in it and if its straight maybe you couls put some bio silk in it to make it really soft.

  3. carry around blotting sheets in your bag they make you look flawless

    bring dry shampoo to gym or just in your bag to get rid of all the oil

    buy a translucent powder to get rid of the shiny parts on your face

    buy neutrgena tinted spot treatment it works to get rid of the blemish all day and it works as a cover up!

    instead of buying the expensive women's razors for legs buy men's disposable they give you a closer shave and cost a lot less!

  4. sleep!

    its mother natures best remidy

    for bags under your eyes

    it'll also make you more fresh and energized

    and help you think better etc

    also... if you wear make up...

    keep it light and natural

    less is more



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