
Has anyone got any good theories about what's going on in "Lost"?

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Has anyone got any good theories about what's going on in "Lost"?




  1. The plots aren't lost, they're just being conserved.

    Solve the numbers, solve Lost :-   4-815, 1623-42

  2. this is just my guess, I think ben will be successful getting everyone back on the island, but whether or not kate will come with little aaron is a toss up. still once everyone is back Locke's body will come back to life somehow locke will survive. if he's really dead at all. and jin will be seen again too according to the shows producers. but he only said jin will be seen again not that jin will necessarily be alive. so maybe the magnetic pull or the time continuum did something to jin when he as blown away from the ship. and perhaps only hurley will be able to see him because lately hurley has been seeing dead people I.e. charlie, and what was that black guys name that was religious and he saw jacks dad. but the island has moved so only ben knows where it is. is ben turning into a good guy or is he just using our losties to get back at widmore and keep him from finding the island. wikkipedia has many good theory about lost. and spoilers can be found just about anywhere even on its considered a nighttime soap I guess.but that's all I got. except maybe because sawyer saw the helicopter and ship blow up maybe he and that red head will hook up now that he thinks his beloved kate is dead. but we as viewers know that dead is not necessarily dead on Lost....there! that's all I got...want a coconut?..see you on the soon as I can find it.

  3. It's in the title-Lost(the plot).

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