
Has anyone got any ideas on jobs that I can do working from home? I'm desperate....

by  |  earlier

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The place I have worked (and had both my children at) have changed their working hrs and I now will not be able to afford to go back after this Mat Leave finishes. (I used to work evenings but they will now be closing at 6pm).

We don't have anyone who can look after our children and we can't afford childcare for a toddler and a babe in arms.

I have to go back to work in 10 weeks as that is when my Mat Pay runs out and need to find a job I can do from home.

I don't know where to start as if you 'google' it you get a load of scams. I need real, reputable jobs.......

Please help......




  1. Considering the length of time you've worked at this last job, I would contact your supervisor and see if there is any way they can allow you to work from home.  Another option would be to look for businesses that offer child care.  Have you considered jobs that may be seasonal, but with comparable yearly pay such as a school office worker?  In this case, you would not have to pay for child care for the entire year, only during your working months.  Another option would be for you to find a comparable office that's open late.

  2. Yah,  I know what you mean.  Have you been to the un-employment lines lately.  They are long and not many jobs are available.  Then you read about people making money on the internet.  Most are Scams just to get your information.  Then you have to watch out for MLM.  Stay away from that.  I really don't know what to tell you.  Just be careful.  I have looked into many money making ideas and not one has paid off.  Most have cost me money or just a lot of my time.  

  3. Don't be desperate, especially when looking for an online job. Trust me 97.% of them are scams. So never click these dumb links that people give out on this site.

  4. What type of skills do you have?  Many times youc an go to employment agency who will place you with a company seeking your credentials. You don't pay, the employer does.  

    If not, perhaps you want to consider working from home as a child-care provider.  

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