
Has anyone got any true ghost stories to tell?

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Im really into the paranormal after watching Most Haunted and now im curious if anyone has any experiences of ghostly activity?




  1. "true" ghost stories... oxymoron

  2. I once played chess with King George VIII which the King David slung stones at our board.  We sent a flock of wild dragons after him to chase him away but then Jesus showed up and lighted a f**t and blew us all to Fantasia.

  3. NO!

  4. i got a really good one........You were born!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. We inherited an old photo of my great-great grandma.  She was not the most attractive woman in the world, and my mom talked about that a lot after she hung the picture in the dining room of her house.  Very soon, there was a terrible smell in there.  It smelled like a dead animal.  We checked all over, cleaned the carpets, etc.  Nothing helped.  Finally, she apologized out loud for saying the things she did, and asked Leona (the grandma's name) to take the smell away.  The next day it was completely gone.

    Soon after, we noticed something running down the wall from under the picture.  It looked like Coke & was kinda sticky.  We washed it with everything, but it kept coming back.  Again, she asked Leona to take it away, and it was completely gone the next day.

    Every once in awhile since then, there is the smell of roses in that room.  It will only be in one particular spot.  You can walk into the room, not smell anything, walk to that spot, smell it, then take two steps away & not smell it anymore.

    We only say nice things about her now!

  6. i dont believe in ghosts but i watch that show.its pretty entertaining but dont take it seriously.ghosts arent real.its the cold hard truth

  7. I have told this once before but nobody believed me and so it's up to you,if you believe or not.     I live in Kent in the UK and I visited the village of Pluckley in Kent.  The village is very old and strange things have been happening and ghosts appearing,and also ghost hunters use to go there who were professionals and amateurs.  Whilst walking through country lanes,I came to a footpath which had bushes either side then I had the urge to relieve myself.   Along the lane and coming my way I saw about 80 yrds away a rider sitting on a big shire horse.   After I was relieved I waked back on the road and looked for rider and horse.....?  I heard no hoof beats then I looked in the other direction and just behind a wall,I saw the rump and tail of a horse.  I ran down to see who or what it was.....?      It completely disappeared.

  8. I grew up in a house that was built in 1880. It's an old victorian house in TX that my parents still own and I stay at frequently. In the 20 years that I lived there permanently in that house, a few things quite questionable have happened:

    When I was about 15, taking a bath in the antique clawfoot tub we have there, I was laying back and looked to the left, bc on the right side is only the wall.  I looked over bc on the vanity near the door a wallmart sack fell. Woo hoo, a sack, full of air, it startled me but I knew there was a logical explination for it.  20 to 30 seconds later, on top of the back of the toilet that sits near the tub, a music box, round in shape, given to my grandmother and inherited by my mother, slid and fell off onto the floor and began playing music.  The music box was not  teetering on the edge of the back of the toilet, so I couldn't fathom how it fell.  I was completely frightened and very hurriedly got out of hte tub.

    A couple of years later I was taking a shower in the other bathroom in the house, which only has a standup shower, and I heard someone talking to me in that room, and I thought maybe it was mom outside the door of the bathroom.  I got irritated bc whoever it was seemed to be telling me something so I screamed "What!" really loud and I didn't hear much else.  When I got out no one was there, my mother said she hadn't been talking to me at all and no one else was there. And for all you fuddy duddies, she's not a practical joker and the voice wasn't really like hers anyway, I just asked her because I was trying to justify it without using paranormal excuses.  There are no TV's near that bathroom at all, or radio's, so I still don't know what it was.

    My best friend is sensitive to ghosts and such, and when she comes over she hates the "music" room of the old house.  It  doesn't frighten me now but did when I was younger of course, since it is just dark and creepy at night. But I am not scared of it.  She says there's some presence in that house though.  The original family who built the house had a lady die in it, I believe in the bedroom I grew up in, but I have never been scared of her or of my room, or of a ghost of a specific person there.  The house will give you the willies though, if you let it.

  9. If you like "Most Haunted", you'll love these episodes (see links below). Medium Derek Acorah was definitely possessed by something deep within. I would have been scared to be standing next to him!

  10. I've had a few experiences.

    1st experience: My mom and I were in the living room watching tv. We have a vinyl love seat which makes a lot of noise when someone sits on it (the vinyl squeaks and you can hear the air being pushed out of it where the seat is split..). I was sitting in front of the love seat, my mom was in another chair. Out of the blue I (and my mom as well) heard someone sit down on the love seat right next to me. I turned and looked and though I couldn't actually see a person, my mom and I both saw an indention in the cushion as if someone was sitting there. I did not remain in front of the love seat much longer...

    2nd: It was late, I was sitting in my bedroom when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I thought it was my dad coming in, so I thought nothing of it at first. Then when the footsteps reached the top of the stairs they were followed by the sound of my bedroom door closing (every door in the entire house has a different latch and therefore makes a very unique sound when shut). Since my door was already closed, I thought that was odd, so I got up to investigate. I stuck my head out into the hall at the same time my mom did (she had heard everything too). We both were expecting to see my dad, but he didn't come home for another few hours. We looked around the other rooms, but no one was there. Later when I told my dad about it, he said he and his brother used to have the exact same experience quite often as kids (minus the sound of the door closing, they just heard the footsteps [and they grew up in this same house]). My dad does not believe in ghosts at all, but yet he's still unable to come up with any other explanation to this day. Unlike him though, I only experienced this phenomenon once in the 16 years I've lived here.

    3rd: I was laying in bed after having slept for a really good long time and was fully rested, when I felt two tugs on my pillow like someone was trying to take it out from under my head. I turned and looked, and there was no one there.

    4th: Just a few weeks ago I had just gone to bed, even though I really wasn't the least bit tired, and I had just laid down and finished pulling the blankets up (I didn't even have time to close my eyes yet) when I heard someone say in my left ear, "Boo." I could even feel the breath in my ear as they said it. Of course, no one visible was there.

    5th: My mom and I have both (though independently) experienced someone knocking on doors or walls the same way the other would knock. Like once I was in the bathroom and someone knocked using one knuckle and two knocks, the same way my mom always does it. But when I opened the door, no one was there and my mom was downstairs. She said she didn't do it, and the stairs are so noisy she could not have snuck away and just pretended she didn't do it. We have also both heard people say our names and thought it was the other one calling for us, but when we go see what they want, we find out it wasn't them after all.

    Another experience my mom had (I was at school at the time) was she had set a cup on the kitchen counter (away from the edge), walked into the living room to talk to my grandma, and then they both heard something fall. My mom went back in the kitchen and the cup she had just sat on the counter was in the middle of the floor.

    Like I said, I've lived in this house for 16 years, and those are the only experiences I've had so far. If it is truly haunted, then it's not a very active haunting. Apart from the voices saying our names that my mom and I hear sometimes, there's usually at least a year or two between the more "weird" experiences.

  11. Many people believe their ghost stories.That does not make them true.

  12. I have a friend who told me this a few years back. Her Grandmother was in the hospital and she kept 2 things on her at all times. Her cell phone and her keys. now she had one of those hospital cloaks on and in the pocket she had her items. Well she died in the hospital. She was buried a few days later. They were going to take the stuff but left it there instead because they did not want to disturb her. My friends mom took her moms keys so she could get n the house and clean it out. well about 24 hours after the burial my friend got a call. She checked the ID. It said, Grandma. She answered and all she heard was the rattling of keys.

  13. "Most Haunted" is pure entertainment.  There is nothing true about it.  Think about it.  It's played up as much as possible.  The drama, the suspense are built with backstories about how such and such a place is haunted or so and so was murdered here--anything at all to establish a spooky setting.  Then they go in at night (why never during the day?) to make it even spookier.  They have cameras, but nothing is ever caught on tape.  It all plays out from start to finish to create the most (artificial) spooky setting possible.

    All they are doing is anomaly hunting.  They suggest a place is haunted and then they go in looking for things to support this premise after the fact.

  14. Yes I have. So many times ever since I can remember. All I can tell u if u ever encounter one u will never forget it. Now, I have never seen one but I learned at an early age u dont need to see them to know when u encounter one. There r many ways to encounter them. Everyone says seeing is believing wrong when u feel something get on your lap and there is nothing there, there is no scientist in the world going to convince me that what I feel on my own body is my imagination. I am sure of one thing I know when an animal gets on my lap. This is once, I have had things like this happen to me my whole life. So, if an animal can be a ghost why not people. I have had many people in my house experiencing things that u cannot rationally explain. For those who dont believe I think u must walk around with your eyes closed,along with your mind.

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