
Has anyone got the guts to tell me how to perform planechits?

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Has anyone got the guts to tell me how to perform planechits?




  1. First you need to find an old calendar or magazine. This will be the source for your letters & numbers. You may simply write out numbers on paper if you wish. Second cut out A-Z & 0-9. Cut out some extra letters to spell out yes, no & goodbye. Find an old surface to tape the letters to. Some choose to make a temporary board by taping letters to an inexpensive card table. I don't recommend doing this on good furniture. You may make a permanent board by gluing letters to an old piece of wood or cardboard. Lay out the letters A-M in a line slightly arched, then a second line below in N-Z. Leave space between each character. Place yes in the upper left & no in the upper right corners. Place the numbers 1-0 below the letters & finally, spell out goodbye along the very bottom. This is just the basic layout of the most commonly used talking board.  You may create a circular board with letters around it. You can do whatever you like, just make sure the important information like numbers & letters are listed, as well as a way for the spirit to say goodbye. For permanent boards, like those on cardboard, you may want to buy an acrylic varnish for a topping. You can find this at art supply stores. For wood just use a basic clear lacquer or varnish. These coatings should prolong the life of your board. Please note, that this method is for inexpensive woods. For more expensive woods, you may want to carve, paint or burn letters & numbers into the board, then top with a wood varnish. Last but not least you need an indicator or planchette. The most commonly used home indicator is a clear drinking glass. You will use this upside down, placing fingertips on base of glass & letting the glass pass over letters & numbers. Please take caution in using glass with spirit communication. I've heard stories of ghosts smashing glasses. I've never tried using plastic, but you may want to give it a try first to see if it works. Just make sure it is clear.

    That's it! Just be careful as always when crafting an item, decide what layout works best for you & have fun. Experiment with colors, symbols or whatever seems right for you. You can add tarot cards, runes, planetary symbols, etc. Please take the time to read some tips on how to use a talking board before you start .For a planchette or indicator in using a home made channeling board,  placing an ash tray upside-down is a very effective idea .To use the board, two people sit facing each other and rest the board on their knees.   Then each puts the tips of the fingers of both hands on the planchette.  To make the board work most accurately, there must be complete quiet.  Further, the party asking the question must concentrate on the question he wishes to ask.  Do not tell your question to anyone.  You may write it down on a piece of paper and hide the paper where no one will see it.  The other party working with you should not know the question.Usually you will have to sit quiet and concentrate for about five minutes.  Do not consciously push or pull the planchette.  Permit it to move of its own accord.   After a while it will begin to move over the letters on the board and will stop every now and then directly over a letter.  The letter indicated will be directly under the pin in the planchette.  As it moves it will spell out the answer to your question.It is not well for one to work for more than half an hour with a Ouija Board, since the concentration necessary may cause a headache or other physical discomfort.

  2. Again refer to my first answer. I am beginning to wonder if you really mean the planchette of the ouija borad and possibly are using a play on spelling to as a vulgar question.


  3. The word is Planchette, it is used with a Ouija board. It is the somewhat triangular plastic piece with three felt padded feet, and a small round window in the center for viewing, it is pointed at one end and the wider end is somewhat rounded.

    Persons using a planchette place their fingertips lightly on the edges and ask questions. Then they wait for a 'spirit' to move the planchette to letters on the board, or to the Yes or No for direct questions.  A planchette can be used on a smooth wooden surface, with the alphabets letters on tiles or pieces of paper  forming a circle .

  4. Perform planchits?  Do you mean how to use a planchette? Like for a ouija board?

  5. Hooray for Kel (the only answerer to correctly read your question as about planchettes.)

    Using aplanchette is by several people placing their fingers or hands on it while it rests on a ouija board, and then noting what letters it spells out. It is important to not try and control the movement consciously.

  6. It's not a question of guts but gullibility.

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