
Has anyone got their 6/20 check after the letter said that it was "under review"?

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We got the letter on the 16th saying that we would get the check by June 20th on the front and then on the back it said that our stimulus was "under review" How long will this take for them to release the check? We did an amendment in the beginning of April. The IRS sent us a signature page a few weeks ago to confirm the amendment. We should be done with the review process now.. Anyone else in this boat?




  1. No.Got it after letter saying it was coming soon...

  2. I just received my letter in the mail saying I was supposed to get my rebate check mailed to me by the 27th of June, but when I turn the letter over it says my refund is "Under Review", but it doesn't say why. I was also expecting my return to be for $900 ($600 for me and $300 for my daughter) but on the letter it says I'm only getting $600 total. I am guessing I am in the same boat as you as far as the delay, I had to amend my 2007 return because they changed the form for child care so I had to send in my 2007 return and then a couple of weeks later I had to send the child care form. I have searched the IRS website and searched Google to death for answers but can not find any. I have even called the IRS but it says the call volume is too large and tells me to call back later and hangs up on me. I am hoping and hoping it turns up. Good luck!

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