
Has anyone got theories as to how us humans, as a species, are going to evolve over time?

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in terms of our physical appearance,capabilities and intelligence




  1. In physical appearance, you will evolve to have four arms and two more eyes at the back of your head.

    In capabilities, because you have four arms, you can work faster, two times faster than when people have two arms. You don't have to turn your head because you have two eyes at the back of your head, in driving, you don't have to see the rear view mirror.

    In intellegence, they can invent a reserve brain which you can  download all you want and you can replace it with your original brain when you become old.

  2. we'll probably have no hair except on the head (because of waxing, shaving, and lasers). the hair might just stop growing because it's always getting removed... we'll probably be really smart but make stupid mistakes, like always. it  would be awesome if we could have superpowers like flying and seeing through walls and

  3. Completely agree with peternal. Next question is which mutations are going to be beneficial. He says: anything is possible. Yes, we don't know in what way our surrounding will change. But if the world doesn't change dramatically from what it is now, I would say some are better of.

    - Women who look young in their 30's.  

    - People who can easily cope with stress

    - Creative people

    Evolution of physical appearance is random, I would say. There are universal preferences, and it also starts with mutations, but that could change at random in 1.000 generations.

  4. We will likely grow somewhat smaller, since largeness is an adaptation to cold environments (there is the possibility of differential reproduction in this case). Since the earth will eventually get warmer, and people have found ways to shelter themselves from the cold.

  5. The world's ending next month. On a Thursday.

    Unless we mutate really effing fast...We're goners.


  6. Watch theX-Men- they have a pretty compelling theory.

  7. Our bodies will become more accustomed to chemical insult such as pollution, preservatives in our food.  We will be able to process fats and sugars more effienciently so we will be less inclined to become fat.

  8. At the present day readings, we are all set to DEVOLVE, partly due to pollution, unhealthy takeaway diets, and a sedentry lifestyle compared to our Grandfathers. I'd better close my computer & go for a run.....!

  9. The biggest misconception about evolution, is that it occurs gradually, it doesn't!


    What I mean, is that when a successful mutation occurs, which is better adapted to the earth, it's usually dominant, and it's likely that this new gene gets passed on...

    You could say that successful mutations are SEXIER...

    Examples, are when the human Blood Type "O" first mutated to an "A" type. This new Blood Type was passed on so much so, now 39% of the worldwide population is Blood Type "A". What are are benefits of being an "A". "A"s have a stronger immune system, when it comes to combating bacterial & viral infections...

    Blood Type "B" was the second mutation from "O". It is also dominant, and this is the only Blood Type for whom consuming dairy products is compatible...

  10. I don't think humans are going to evolve for a while--technology being the prime mover (or blocker) towards genetic changes.  Firstly, technological advances in biotech will keep genetic abnormalities out of the gene pool.  Secondly, advances in travel lead to higher rates of sexual introgression amongst what were once relatively isolated groups--which leads us to your question.  As cultural valuations are heavily factored into sexual selection, physical appearances, "capabilities", and "intelligence" (however the latter two may be understood) will probably be a function any hegemonic power that regulates the movement of bodies across the globe.  However, with the growing global prevalance of cosmetic surgery, I doubt skin type, looks, or other salient phenotypical traits will carry the same weight in the future as it does today.

  11. That's a good question. I always thought that we'd lose the appendix completely over time. It's for helping to digest hard-to-digest items like bits of hide, small bones, etcetera. It's not used anymore and can be removed with no after effects. Our toes are going away apparently, because we don't use them anymore. The argument there was always we need toes for balance. But, that's not true. Many people have lost toes to frostbite, accidents, and balance just fine. As for our over-all evolutionary appearance. Like any species, that depends on the environment in which we live, for the most part. Neanderthals were short with heavy features for the colder climate they lived in. Better for heat retention. While people in areas near the equator are slender and tall to cope with heat dissipation. There's much more to this. Too much to fully explain here. But keep researching.

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