
Has anyone gotten dry socket after having a wisdom tooth pulled?

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I had a wisdom tooth pulled a little over a year ago. I ended up with dry socket that took months to heal. Today I still have pain in my gum at the sight of the pulled tooth. Will this last forever? Has anyone ever had this problem?




  1. I've had 2 dry sockets so I'm with you on the pain...rather have another baby! It does last for months I'm afraid to say, my last one was over 6 months to completely go...just keep using painkillers and a little warm salt water mouthwash. Good Luck, hope it clears up soon x

  2. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed last October and ended up with dry socket in the bottom holes. Had some pain for about 2 weeks, but since then I haven't had any issues. Have you mentioned the pain to your dentist/oral surgeon?

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