
Has anyone gotten over OCD alone as a teenager, without telling anyone and if so, how did you go about it?

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Without seeing a doctor or talking about it to anyone?







  1. OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and its cousin BiPolar Disorder are two of the most chronically over-diagnosed disorders of all time.

    These two "disorders" seem to be "diagnosis-du-jour" for most Psychiatrists, and for patients.

    True OCD manifests itself in ways that are virtually impossible to hide.  Excusing yourself from a room 5-10 times in an hour to "go to the washroom" to wash your hands will be recognized as odd behaviour, and can be considered OCD.

    However, the average person simply has "quirks".  Lying in bed wondering if you turned the stove off, then allowing it to bother you so much that you can't sleep and get out of bed at 2AM to "go check" is not OCD, it's a quirk.  

    Number sequences, Walking patterns, Checking ... for the most part, these are simply quirks.  They are not necessarily OCD unless they truly begin to interfere with your regular schedule.  

    If you can't get out of the house because you've got to check to see if the coffee maker is off ... then you check it and it's off ... then you're going out the door and you think you'd better check it again ... and you do and it's off ... and you head to the door and need to check it one more time ... THAT is OCD.  It's interfering with your life.

    I've experienced many quirks in my life, and to this day I have difficulty stepping on cracks when I'm walking on a sidewalk.  Do I need Paxil?  Absolutely not.  I just need to step over the cracks and get on with life.

    You don't mention the specific problem you're having, but it isn't wise to immediately jump to the conclusion that you have OCD unless and until it directly interferes with your everyday activities.

    Hope this helps.

  2. OCD isnt a bad thing.

    Unless.. it causes you to do bad things.

    I have OCD, and its just where I have to have everything at an even number.  

  3. Yes, when you are about to repeat things tell yourself STOP.

    Try this book, it has helped me ALOT.

  4. yeah, u just gota slowly push urself not to do things. i hat OCD bad but i kinda worked my way over it.  you shud tell an adult.

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