
Has anyone gotten pregnant with one working Fallopian tube?

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So I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and I was told that I might (MIGHT) have one blocked fallopian tube. He said I am young enough (27) to still get pregnant. Is there anyone out there that has gotten pregnant naturally without help? And do the tubes always switch off every month to produce an egg? I was told it was my right one. And has anyone gotten them fixed without any problem. I was told there could be complications as with any surgery.

I have one daughter and am hoping soon to naturally conceive. i don't want to take the extremes yet to do so. Any suggestions to help this problem naturally? Natural remedies




  1. I have spoken to many people of the course of TTC and many have been able to concieve after having a tube removed, i wouldn't worry to much about it just yet!! If you haven't concieved after a while you should be offered a hysterosalpingogram (not sure on the spelling) this is dye thats inserted and it shows up any blockages if any, you will then get a diagnosis based on this. At worse case scenario you might be offered a laparoscapy but this is only if they struggle to diagnose!

    Good luck xx

  2. I know a woman who had her one tube reconstructed,  one tube and now two kids.

  3. My sister did, several years after she had an ectopic pregnancy, she had a baby girl naturally.

    Your doc should be able to give you more information!,1511,11403,...

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