
Has anyone had ,hpt came out negative...?

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then found they are pregnant??




  1. I've been pregnant five times and every time I knew I was pregnant before the tests started to come back positive. You may just be too early. Wait a week and try again. Good luck!

  2. yes, false negatives happen all the time. some women wont get a positive on a hpt until weeks or months after their missed period-some even never get a positive on a hpt. What happens is that the hcg may not have built up in your urine enought yet to get a positive. It may never build up enough in your urine, you may end up using the bathroom before you get a chance for it to build up, and thatswhy it takes a while or even never to get a positive hpt. Your best bet is to get a blood test done because that level stays the same throughout the day-and keeps on rising!

    Good Luck!

  3. It didn't happen to me but did to my sister. She took an EPT and it said no then she went to the doctor because still no period and she was pregnant.

  4. yep did with my first child!! go to your gp they can do a blood test there! it doesnt matter what time of day u take the test cause it doesnt effect the results btw!

    good luckx

  5. yep often if the egg hasn't implanted properly yet then the hormone wont be high enough to show on a test!!!!

  6. lol..I'm in the same boat as you, girl! i just asked this question and the answers that i got back were mainly yes.

    it could be too soon for the hormones to turn up on the test, or maybe you should wait and take the test first thing in the morning, when the most concentrated amount of pregnancy hormone is in your system.

  7. Yes, when i was testing to see if i was pg with my first. I did 2 tests which came up negative and then one that came positive, they were over the course of 3 days, my period was much later than usual which is why i tested each of those days, wondering why it hadn't arrived yet.

    HPT measure the level of hormones in your system and these hormones start off very low, gradually increasing over time, the chances are there simply wasn't a high enough hormone level for the first test, either that or the first test wasn't sensitive enough.

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