
Has anyone had a 2nd trimester miscarriage and gotten pg again and how soon afterwards?

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I was just wondering, becasue I have not getting a great reaction from my family and it is not making me happy...




  1. My sister in law lost a child at 20 weeks due to a incomplete cervix. She got pregnant about a year later and had a healthy boy. She had a procedure done that closes the cervix and this helped her from losing the baby. I would just take it as stress of possible losing another child and that they don't want you to go through the pain again. Since you are pregnant again they need to just get over it since the baby is already in his/her spot. Give them some time they will come around, Congratulations!

  2. my cousin just went through that about 3 months ago and she just found out shes 4 weeks pregnant now!! im sorry for your loss and as far as your family's reaction they arent you,they dont know exactly what you feel or anything like that so forget them for alittle bit and just focus on your happiness

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