
Has anyone had a Ferrel cat?

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I have a kitten that is a ferrel. I got her from my daughter that feeds them where she lives. I got her at 4 weeks old but she seems a little wild when she plays. She will be 5 months in September. She wants to bite when she's playing but never scratches and isn't afraid of anyone like most wild cats. I'm hoping she calms down once I get her spayed next month. She also terrorizes my other cat to the points she wants to come inside only when she eats.




  1. if she lets you handle her, she is no longer feral.

    she is still a kitten, they play rough.

    if the other cat is over a year old, he doesnt want to play, but the new kitten keeps trying to get him to play.

  2. well no  

  3. its just being a kitten the older one will eventually kick its *** and teach it a lesson.As far the biting goes I have found that if you put hot sauce on your hand or wherever it likes to bite you it will cure that bad habit in no time.

  4. Seems like a pretty normal kitty.  There's really no such thing as a truly "wild" cat.  They are a domesticated species, plain and simple.  If they're not used to people, they will probably never really warm up to strangers and the like, but all cats are capable of bonding with their caregiver.  Her not scratching is a good sign; she's just playing like most kittens, and she doesn't want to hurt you.  Keep spending time with her, and she probably will calm down quite a bit.

  5. Feral, not Ferrel.  We have a kitty like that.  His mom was a feral cat, being watched and cared for by a neighbor.  She had a litter then disappeared three days later.  Our neighbor rescued the kittens but they all died but one.  We got him when he was four weeks (which otherwise would be too young to take a kitten away from Mom).

    He is the most amazing cat.  He loves to be held on his back like a baby because he was bottle-fed this way.  He plays rough sometimes, but I don't think this has to do with being feral.  He loves people, and when someone comes to the door he runs to see who it is.  And if anyone visits he will rub himself against them to get attention--he thinks they came to see him.

    Also he is totally fearless.  Even as a little kitten, he didn't know what fear is.  He would jump off the counter and land really hard on the floor, but he would just climb up and jump off again.  When he was really young and his eyes hadn't learned to focus yet, he would jump at the ceiling fans.  Of course he couldn't jump more than a foot or so.  It was fun to watch.

  6. I got my cat as a very young feral kitten from a friends farm.

    She's never been afriad of anyone and has also been known to attack passing by dogs. As a young cat she was very playful, sometimes even aggressive.

    Slowley, as she got older, she has become more friendly.. and alot more lazy. Although she will still often attack my feet when in a bad mood(hungry).

    She will never be like a typical house cat. But to me this is ideal. I prefer a more independent cat who will not pester you all the time and much prefers to stay out at night.

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