
Has anyone had a baby early? If so at how many weeks?

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Also, were there any complications and how long did your baby stay in the hospital?




  1. You just never know what will happen. I had my son at 35 weeks. He was 6 lbs 12 oz, the biggest baby in the NICU. He was in there for 12 days. He had breathing issues, jaundice, and feeding complications. It was horrible, I couldn't touch or stimulate him for 2 days. He now has a neurological disorder and he doesn't speak at 2. My best friend had her daughter at 24 weeks and she is perfect. Small...but perfect.

    ETA: I don't know why I went into labor early. The baby I had before him and the baby after him came at 38 weeks. They gave me 8 shots to stop my labor and he was determined.

  2. 32 weeks, she has permanent lung problems, she was in the hospital for 13 weeks, and she was born with optic nerve hyperplasia.  She is on antibiotics daily and they get changed every 3 months as she gets pneumonia if she is not on them.

    Besides being legally blind and unable to run and play like a normal kid due to her lung problems... she's a normal kid.

  3. 3months early he was there about 2wks weighed  3.11  and the only thing he couldnt do was suck a bottle.

  4. ihad my son 8 weeks early. i think i was in labor forever. ended up having csection. My son was 4 pounds an1 ounce he stayed about 8 days, he now is almost 2 years old  besideds being a little under weight doing just fine

  5. my brother was born 2 and a  months early

    was in intensive care for a few weeks

    no complications - he just turned 20 and hes perfectly healthy

  6. I almost had my 2nd daughter early. I had preterm premature rupture of the membranes at 32 weeks gestation. I also developed a subsequent infection and we could have easily lost her.

    I was told that I would have to remain in the hospital until she was born (which I was assured would be prematurely). I was put on a drip to prevent labor and another drip of antibiotics for the infection. I also got steroid injections to strengthen her lungs in preparation of being born early.

    The doctors tried to prepare me for every scenario that could happen including her being born blind (from infection), stillborn, underdeveloped lungs, etc. I had to sign papers giving them permission to take her immediately to the children's hospital after the birth. I had to meet with the priest of the hospital (I'm not religious but, it only seemed right) to make any arrangements that I would like in the event of the worst case scenario.

    The strange thing was that the whole pregnancy was awesome up until that one day at 32 weeks when my amniotic fluid leaked. Within a matter of a few days, my whole life turned upside down. It seemed surreal.

    The hospital managed to kill the infection but, they said I was far from out of the woods. Like I mentioned before, I am not religious but, I prayed and I prayed hard.

    After the weekend was over, I had a check-up on Monday. My husband wheeled me down to the exam room and I had my check-up. You wouldn't believe the look on the doctor's face!

    ALL my amniotic test strips came back NEGATIVE. My ultrasound showed no loss of amniotic fluid. My membranes had spontaneously healed themselves. It is a rare event but, it does happen.

    I had to stay in a few days longer for some more check-ups and I was told that she still would be born early but, hopefully I could let her bake for a few weeks longer.

    Those few weeks turned into 5 days LATE from my original due date. On Friday the 13th (what a lucky day!) my daughter came into this world 100% healthy.  She is now 7 years old and the apple of my eye.

    I hope my story helped you some and good luck!

  7. My last son was born at 26wks due to placenta abruption. He had over three surgeries and fought in the NICU for four months before he passed away. He is our hero and we love and miss our sweet baby Ethan!

  8. my now oldest child was born 4 months early at maine medical i was in labor for 2 weeks and 2 days they couldnt stop it or induce it she was 1 lb and 4 oz. she decided to come that early bc i had a blood disorder factor 5 which clots very fast and was ageing my placenta she was in the hospital for almost 5 months but she is healthy and happy she is ten now my second was only 1 week early bc i was put on a blood thinner

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