
Has anyone had a bad or even good experience using a quija board?

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Has anyone had a bad or even good experience using a quija board?




  1. I have never heard of any good experiences and i am a witch- i wouldn't touch one with a barge pole- its very dangerous because you are trying to contact unknown spirits and you so don't know what you are inviting in. There was a news item a few years ago of two boys who locked themselves in their room at college with one and were still locked in the next day- the police found them slaughtered in a blood bath with no clues expect the ouija board- even the police concluded paranormal activity-.


    That is the explanation.  Look into any experiment done with a Ouija board and you'll see it's 100% conclusive--the people control it.

    Using one can still be fun and spooky though.  I use one with friends a long time ago.  The board spelled out my brother's full name.  (I was the only one present who knew his middle name.)  I asked where he was and he said h**l.  It spooked me really bad, but it ends up I was moving the planchette via the ideomotor effect.

  3. wow i asked a question similar to this, but to aswer your question no.

  4. never used one but someone left theres in front of my house KINDA CREEPY

  5. I found the reception to be really bad and lost a lot of calls so I bought a mobile phone instead and that is just as bad, I'm sick to death of one ringers and dead callers.

  6. Don't even think of using an Ouija board they are dangerous.

  7. friends of mine did they started having bad nightmares and got very jumpy. they got messages saying they would die and so on. don't mess with them it is not a game. one person could be messing around moving it for the laugh but the others are sucked in and it messes with their mind

  8. The fact you can buy a Ouija board at Toys R Us tells me something.Below is the most interesting article on them I've ever read.I hope you read it.

  9. Bad experience.

    I've always seen the spirit realm. But some friends of mine talked me into playing. I was just a kid. Maybe 8 or 10. Three entities showed up and "befriended me."

    Then everything went wrong.

  10. My brothers friends used one- a spirit spelt out the name of one of the boys and told him that he would die on x date. He laughed it off- and sure enough on x date the boy was killed on his motorbike by hitting a brick wall just as the spirit said!

  11. no, apart from me and my mates moving the cup for fun, but ive heard loads of spooky stories that have been really nasty

  12. no this is c**p

  13. when i was about 15 me n me mates done a Ouija board in some woods, it was rather unnerving as the cup we used was moving by itself spelling out something that was gonna happen to a close mate, at the time i just shrugged it off as a wind up untIll the thing that was spelt out for my mate happened, il never go near one again.

  14. I have tried several times but with no results. i have heard many stories both good and bad as well as no results from others.

  15. BAD BAD BAD....have a quija burning party...seriously why in the h**l would you ever want to use those things if they only scare the c**p out of you...BURN IT dummy....

  16. tried it once nothing happened was given 1 about a month ago but scared to use it

  17. the other day under astrology in our news paper i read where a woman wrote "when i was single, i used a board to ask about my romantic prospects. The letters S.I.N.E.S came through. I kept thinking, "what signs am i supposed to look for"?. Less than a week later i met a new boyfriend. His last name was there you have it, sometimes good does come out of it

  18. dont even go there they shouldnt be touched i did one when i was younger it scared the h**l out of me very bad experience

  19. Many years ago, a group of us did it for fun, And it spelt out my deceased elder brother, and when asked how you passed on,   it spelt out pneumonia, nobody new about his death.  Don't mess about with it,

  20. My sister and I tried to use one when we were younger.  Nothing happened.  We got bored and play Monopoly instead.  Nothing happened because we didn't know what was supposed to happen.  It's all in your head - look up the ideomotor effect.  It's all you.

  21. See, the funny thing about quija boards is that this is the only real supernatural practice that often weilds very scary and real results. I've always wanted to try one, and unfortunately don't know anyone who has, but I think if you do it right, they're deffinately not toys.

  22. nope.

    it's just a little thingy of luck, where you control where the arrow points, and u can manipulate it to do wat u want it to say.

    sumthing like that.

  23. years ago had good and bad but now i know more and have learnt more would say to u to go to experienced people in this type of thing to learn the correct ways of developing your awareness, u are dealing with unknown and potentially dangerous forces so need to stop.

  24. Not a good thing to mess with as there are many powerful unseen creatures who take a very dim view of being bothered by humans as we are insignificant and beneath their notice for the most part.

  25. well, we tried it once, but we got nothing. the pointer didn't move, and so we left it. The ones you can find on the internet are funny, because they are obviously programmed to recognise words in your question, and answer in a way the program thinks is appropriate. ask a question and you get one answer. ask the question again and you get another. it's the same with the real thing. it's all in the mind.

  26. Yes.  But the odd thing is that it only ever worked if I tried to use the silly thing with either my sister or my mother.  It never worked with anyone else.

    Hmmm.  Wonder if I ought to try this again sometime?

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