
Has anyone had a bad reacton to the anti depressent FLUOXETINE, ?

by  |  earlier

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ive been takin it for 2 weeks but stopped on monday because i started to feel bad, like my head felt strange and i generly felt un well, went to doc two days after stopping them {yesturday} and i had a slight tempreture, and a head ach, still had head ach today but tonight i had a nose bleed and i never have them has anyone had the same???




  1. I was prescribed them for panic attacks, the doctor told me it would take a fortnight before I started t feel "normal" in fact it was nearer to three and a half weeks but I persevered and thankfully feel perfectly well again.  

    There are lots of alternatives but I think they all take time to start working for you.

    Good luck

  2. G.P prescribed it to me for depression about 2 years ago and he said to go back and see him in 2 weeks he asked how it was making me feel i told him i'm even more depressed than before as it gave me limp d**k so i stopped taking it.

  3. sounds like they disagree with  you, go back to the dr, and tell

    him, what has happened.

    he will  put you on a different med.

    have you read the leaflet inside the box before taking the med

    check that out 1st.

      may be some form of side affect,

  4. I have had them for long time felt bit light headed when I started taking them I know it takes about 3 weeks before you get any real effect from them

  5. This may be completely unconnected to Fluoxetine, I know Fluoxetine get's a lot of negative press, but it is the most favoured antidepressant in the country at present and the benefits out-weight the negative parts, it may be you had a virus? Do you often get nose bleeds? Did your Dr suggest you continue taking it? Go back to your Dr is symptoms persist.

  6. why are you taking anti depressants? have you not read the reactions that come with it...I would never take that... you hear it on tv how its so good and then at the end shows how the reactions are headaches vomiting thoughts of suicide...and so many other c**p...stop taking those things and talk to someone if you are depressed..drugs cannot make the pain go away....that is so dumb...

    here you will get a kick out of's a joke but also true    

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