
Has anyone had a chocolate facial??

by  |  earlier

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I went for a facial today and they said that they were doing a special promotion for a new chocolate facial they have introduced. I didn't get it but it does sound very indulgent!! Has anyone had this.




  1. I do

    The caffeine present in the chocolate is a stimulant and due to this fact this  detox exotic facial will make you relax as well as helping the  immune system by enhancing the circulation and cellular oxygenation and cleaning toxin from your body

  2. I've never done it but it does sound fun. If you have the money then go for it and let us all know how it felt.

    I've heard that chocolate (especially DARK chocolate) has a ton of anti-oxidants in it and it's supposed to be good for you when you eat it in moderation. So I wonder if using it as a topical ointment for your face would take care of wrinkles and pimples and stuff??? That would be awesome!

    Have fun!


  3. nope

  4. What kind of stupidness is that, I'd rather eat it~

  5. no

  6. no,but it sounds fun and very relaxing

    and soothing...

  7. my sis had that done and hasnt been to have it done since which says everything lol

  8. no, but it sounds yummy.rofl bite people's faces off lol.

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