
Has anyone had a courthouse wedding? What can FI and I expect?

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We're getting married next year in July and we've decided to get married at the courthouse here in Wisconsin. We want to invite our parents and siblings only and keep the ceremony small and intimate.

My question is this...what usually happens during a courthouse wedding? Are traditional or non traditional vows read? Are we allowed to read personal vows? How long does the whole ceremony take? Are guest allowed to take pictures?

Any information you could share would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I got married by a judge but we did it in a park. Start off with a story, we said the standard vow and i dos and signed the paper work and that was it! We are having a wedding blessing now.

    Check out my blog for pics

  2. Yes you can take photos you have to have someone stand up for you and the ceremonies is non traditional.. It is just the basic I do I do and you are married..You would have to call the courthouse and ask if you can read vows because they are kind of rushed through

  3. I have had a courthouse wedding. Usually they read the standard wedding vows, "to have and to hold from this day forward", etc. But I'm sure if you ask to read your own vows they would be more than happy to oblige. We had our ceremony outside, I'm sure they will let you take pictures, it's your wedding for goodness sake!! (ha ha). I'm sure that what your asking for is within reason.

  4. Get ready for a whole lot of nothing. Its very impersonal and not how you should remember you wedding. Why don't you find a cute hotel to get married at you can still keep it cheap and intimate.

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