
Has anyone had a dermatologist cure their acne?

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im 17 years old. i have really bad acne on my forehead and chin. i have been using proactiv for 4 years. in the beginning, it seemed to work. but then it just stopped working. and i can't stop using it because when i do i get terrible breakouts. my acne gets worse around my period.

my acne is mainly big, red, inflamed pores. some of them are small whiteheads. basically, it looks like there are a bunch of red dots on my forehead.

my dermatologist is very good do you think he can cure my acne?does anyone have a success story of a dermatologist curing their acne?




  1. This guy has an awesome website,

    it is for most skin conditions. I am starting his detox with my daughter (she has eczema, HORRIBLY) and I am using his "skin fix" concentrate for my whole family daily. We have put it on pimples and over night they are gone. I spray the stuff on my face at night and my face is consistently staying clear. Hope that helps!!!

  2. no. i have absolutely terrible skin. i used to have really dry, oily skin with tons of acne. i just had to grow out of it. my dermatologist would give me creme for the tiny bumps but that'd dry me out terribly, and he never prescribed a lotion or soap, or anything. just creme. i don't know if he was a good one or not, but there was never a cure for me.  

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