Last night my fiance' and i made love and during he said i had some white discharge. i didn't pay much attention to it, went to sleep after. And during the night i had a dream that i took a HPT and it said i was pregnant (saw two lines in dream). I didn't believe it in the dream, so i took another one and same thing. So i wake up this morning and check where i chart my period, and it said i was 14 days into my cycle which would be around a normal ovulation time. I don't wanna get all hysterical but wow, almost crazy, and if i was pregnant what a story i could tell. Anyways, it would be my first and i've been TTC for some time off and on. But i know it's WAY too early to even test, so i'll have to wait about 2 to 3 weeks. Anyways, if anyone had any weird dreams about being pregnant or finding out they were pregnant before actually finding out they were infact pregnant... i'd love to hear some stories, i just think it's almost funny, but it could happen i'm sure. thanks in advance for your answers and input.