
Has anyone had a dream you were pregnant before finding out you were indeed pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Last night my fiance' and i made love and during he said i had some white discharge. i didn't pay much attention to it, went to sleep after. And during the night i had a dream that i took a HPT and it said i was pregnant (saw two lines in dream). I didn't believe it in the dream, so i took another one and same thing. So i wake up this morning and check where i chart my period, and it said i was 14 days into my cycle which would be around a normal ovulation time. I don't wanna get all hysterical but wow, almost crazy, and if i was pregnant what a story i could tell. Anyways, it would be my first and i've been TTC for some time off and on. But i know it's WAY too early to even test, so i'll have to wait about 2 to 3 weeks. Anyways, if anyone had any weird dreams about being pregnant or finding out they were pregnant before actually finding out they were infact pregnant... i'd love to hear some stories, i just think it's almost funny, but it could happen i'm sure. thanks in advance for your answers and input.




  1. So before i stopped my birthcontroll i dreamed of being with a baby girl it looked alot like my husband. then I dreamed they were older a boy and a girl. I been having dreams of babys ever since last night i dreamed i could feel the baby move inside me. I woke up like omg ahh no i dont have a little ball moving i woke up and told him. today its odd im spotting and im never regular. i been exttra tired realy dizzi and hungry.Its realy unusual and many of my family members have been dreaming me pregnant and its scary because everytime they dream of someone being pregnant they are.. so good luck for me im going to cheak in two weeks see how it goes.

  2. YES!!!!!!! So about 3 weeks ago i dreamt that my husband was trying to feed me a giant fish! He was super excited and i was a bit hesitant,  last week i missed my period and this past Sunday he brought home a first response pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE!!!!!

    I never ever remember any of my dreams, and to dream of a fish to later find out i was preggo was just amazing... We just got married this past July and now we are expecting =)  its all about intuition because my husband had been talking about buying a crib for the last two weeks, so he knew it too!

  3. well i did every time i dream of fish some one is pregnant or i am pregnant,well i have miss my period and i took a hpt, and it was not,then the same night i dream fish so now i see in a week if i am i will do anothe test and see if i am and the fish dream was true,

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