
Has anyone had a hoodectomy? What was it like? My boyfriend wants me to get one soon.?

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Has anyone had a hoodectomy? What was it like? My boyfriend wants me to get one soon.?




  1. Don't do may be better off with a new b/f*

  2. Break up with him immediately.  

    What he wants is *mutilation* that will cause you enormous pain and potentially nasty infections.  He might like having easier access but it would backfire because constant exposure, once things got past the painful toughening up stage, would make you less sensitive.

  3. wut is that?

  4. He's a superficial a*****e. Surgery on your genitals? F*** that. To quote the wonderful Dan Savage, "dump the mother****** already".

    To ask you to mutilate yourself for his needs. Good lord, what a miserable excuse for a human being he must be.

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