
Has anyone had a miscarriage?

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Well I found out I was pregnant Monday but I new there was something wrong because I have been bleeding for 3 weeks now. I started off bleeding like a normal peroid the first week and the last two weeks I have just been spotting. I went to a doctor today and he told me bad new that I was having a miscarriage. I just dont understand. They say i did't do anything wrong but i feel like its my fault. My question is if you have had a miscarriage or know anyone who has were they able to have a baby at all and what were some signs of the miscarriage?




  1. I'm so sorry to hear that Hun .

    I had a miscarriage 4 years ago and it was really hard to come to terms with and i felt like it was my falt maybe if i didn't do to much it wouldn't of happend but my doctor me that woman who miscarry there is normally a reason why it happens maybe a disability are something else I'm not saying its true just what helped me realise it wasn't my fault .

    i had a baby boy 10 weeks ago so yes your able to have more children .

    my signs were spotting , stomach cramps , really bad back ache , shooting pains across my tummy , and felt like i had a bad case of the flu .

    i think the symptoms depend on how far along you were i was 12 weeks when it happend to me .

    i hope everything works out for you Hun please don't blame yourself there is nothing you could of done to stop this from happing if you want to chat more then feel free to send my an email good luck and i hope you get your happy ending .

  2. First off I am so sorry for your loss. I have been there and know how devastating it is.

    Here is the link to a great book.

    I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks a year ago in February (07). The baby would have been baby #4.  I had no signs at first. Although I never did feel like the pregnancy was right. I just started bleeding when I woke up in the AM. I went to the hospital, and they checked everything out. Everything look perfectly normal. When they did the ultrasound they didn't see the baby. I went home and the next night went into labor and delivered the baby and remains of my pregnancy at home. They were able to run tests.  I am currently TTC baby #5. I was told by my doctors that they saw no reason why I should not go on to have more babies.

    That book that I gave you the link to was a life saver. I was amazed when I read it. It helped me heal so much. Good Luck

  3. I had a miscarriage when I was 6 weeks along. I then got pregnant a month later and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. 16 months later, I had a little girl :0

    Miscarriages are very common but rarely talked about. I guess people feel ashamed or something but it is not the mother's fault and there is no way to prevent it.

    Also, with my miscarriage, I had bleeding that was consistently getting darker and bad cramping. Those are 2 signs that something may not be quite right...

    Either way, try not to blame yourself for something thats out of your control. Hopefully you'll be pregnant soon enough :)

  4. Aloha!

    Do not panic!Your doctor should make necessary tests to determent why it happened.If she didn't go back and ask her to do it.My sister have two children and not long ago  they decided to have one more, so she got pregnant but had a miscarriage, then after 6 month she got pregnant again and also had miscarriage.She was very upset, they did bunch of tests for her and him and doctor found that his sperm was very weak.Sorry  I  don't no the medical way to say it. They didn't gave up and after some time she was pregnant again with healthy baby boy!

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